Monday 28 March 2011

Water in the Desert

Here we go, at last, with another story. As we get into a rhythm with writing, recording and publishing these, they shall be generally appearing on a fortnightly basis. Each story is self contained and will be between 8-18 minutes long. My thanks to everyone who has been asking about when the next story is coming out.

Like paper cut-outs ...
Here's a story that is a precise retelling of a dream that I had many years ago. Make of it what you will; but, for my part, I have never been able to escape the feeling that there is more life to be had if we would only stop being so clever about everything.

This week's soundtrack comes from the album: The Lost Mode  which is a really lovely fusion of medieval and middle eastern modal music. It is available from Magnatune which is a wonderful music download site that you should definitely check out.

To download this week's episode you can click on the post title or here. But remember the best way to make sure you don't miss a podcast is to subscribe to posts using the RSS feed and your podcatcher or aggregator or Google Reader or whatever you use.

Thursday 3 March 2011

The Prince and the Bird

Welcome to the first episode of Stories from the Borders of Sleep. This weeks' episode features an original story by me entitled, The Prince and the Bird.

It became a millstone around his neck ...
Do you ever feel as if the landscape around you mirrors your own self in some way? That's how the hero in this week's story felt and he was surprised at what he discovered about himself there, too. But was he really a hero? I'll leave that for you to decide.

The soundtrack for this little fairytale comes from the albums: Hidden Sky by Jami Sieber, and Lines Build Walls by Ehren Starks. Both of them are available from Magnatune which is a wonderful music download site that you should definitely check out.

I'd be delighted to hear feedback of all sorts and hope you enjoy the podcast.

Click here or on the Title to download the MP3 (12MB)