Thursday 14 March 2024

The Cicada Laundrette

 Dear Listener,

Night time is the time to visit the Cicada Laundrette and meet all kinds of critter characters. Are you ready to enter the twilight world of washing machines and soap suds under the watchful eye of Mr. Aardvark.

I hope that you enjoy this not-very-serious episode. I hope it proves to you that even someplace as commonplace as a laundrette can be rather magical and exciting. I dedicate it to all who are overwhelmed with washing, to all the tireless employees who keep their places open, and all the night owls who haunt their local washery when it's the only time they can do their laundry.

Full disclosure: if you are wondering where I got a picture of an aardvark in a launderette from, I got some help from DALL-E on this occasion.

You may download the MP3 directly here. Don't forget to swing by the Facebook page for a chat or drop me a line if you feel like getting in touch.

Thank you for listening!
Sweet dreams,