Tuesday 6 March 2012

Michigan Water

Dear Listener,

Welcome to episode 26. This one takes us back to a hard winter in Harlem, December 1939. Jazz pianist Jelly Roll Morton is planning a major come-back from relative obscurity and we get a glimpse of this musical giant in a moment of loneliness and weakness. Tragically, he died just over a year later on the brink of a return to the limelight and we will never know what might have been.

I have always been fascinated by Jelly's life and music and I find the story of his later years quite poignant so this is a sort of a tribute as well as a nod to the fact that most of the listeners to this podcast are stateside residents.

So, here's the direct link, but if you enjoy the podcast why not subscribe to the feed or on iTunes (it's free).

Music this week is from the man himself.

Sweet dreams ....


  1. Mr. Jacklin,
    Are you ok? It's been over a month since the last post, and frankly I'm getting worried. Perhaps it's just insomnia induced anxiety, but I can't help but think the worst. Please drop your fans a line (me in particular) and let us know you are still alive, still writing, and still planning to share you works with us. It's selfish, but would make me very happy.

    1. Dear Dominica,

      I am fine, thank you; never been better, in fact. Thank you for your kind words and your cry for more. It means a lot to me when people comment and especially when it becomes clear that there are listeners out there who care so tremendously.

      I will be rectifying the lack of material in the next week and apologise for the long absence. In the last month I have just been stupidly busy and have not had the time to compose and record podcasts and, consequently, I have kind of lost the rhythm.

      There are about three new stories in the pipeline, though and we'll get these to you soon!

      In the meantime, I don't know if you have listened to the "bloopers". I doubt they will help you to sleep but they might make you giggle. Here is a link you can paste:


      Thank you for commenting.

      Best regards,

