Monday 19 November 2018


Dear Listeners,

There are some things you will discover about plants in this episode that I hope will make you never see the world quite the same again. Moreover, Episode 40 must be some sort of milestone, and this one is appropriately a little different.

This story was inspired by and written for a couple of lovely listeners, one of whom helped with some ideas and the other of whom I hope didn't see it coming as a wedding anniversary surprise. I hope you enjoy listening in and sharing the experience; it's been a lot of fun to compose.

For those who need it, here's the direct link, but don't forget you can subscribe with iTunes or whatever your flavour of podcatcher, using the links on this page. Come on over to facebook or drop me an email or comment if you'd like to feedback or start a conversation. I love hearing from people around the world who are 'tuning in'.

The music this week is by Erik Ask Upmark, another beautiful offering from Magnatune. Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoy this one. And many thanks to Ben and Maria!



  1. So glad you're back Seymour! Your podcast is the first one I ever listened to, and I fell in love with it. It hasn't been the same without hearing your creative and inspiring podcast! I've often listened to your stories time and time again, and I'm so happy to hear new ones. Please keep writing! Ciara

  2. Hi Seymour. It's been many months since I last visited. The last story I heard was My Journey - the birth of the Borders of Sleep. That was just before spring, and somehow, I got caught up in life and the outside world that I forgot to return to the Borders. Anyway, I loved this story; as I have loved every story you've written. Thank you, as always.

    1. Phil! Great hearing from you again and welcome back to The Borders! More on the way...

  3. Thank you so much for making these stories available though podcasts. I have a hard time sleeping sometimes and when I listen to your stories I fall right asleep. Thank you so much. Please keep making more.

    1. You are so welcome, OverLordKane. I promise to keep making more ... my head is full of them! I wish you the sweetest dreams ...
