Monday 5 September 2011

Balthazar's Chandelier

Dear Listener,

It was reached by a bamboo scaffold ...
Welcome to episode 11 of Stories from the Borders of Sleep, which tells of an extraordinary day in the life of a humble servant who was trying his best to keep a low profile ...

It is also the first episode in our long promised new WEEKLY podcasting schedule!

As usual, here's the link for direct download (right click and save to your hard drive) and here's a link for the i-Tunes page for this podcast. If you use another type of podcatcher and would like to subscribe, grab a feed from the top of the column on the right.

This is one of many stories that I have heard or read in a forgotten time and place that has, nevertheless, stuck in my mind enough to be given the "borders of sleep" treatment. I hope that it stays with you as long as it has stayed with me.

Sweet dreams ...



  1. I loved this one! Such a beautiful story :) you truly make my night every time I listen to these stories. My only feedback is the guitar in this one was a bit loud/distracting. It was a pretty song but the first half of the story I was sometimes lost in the music and lost my spot in the story. In your earlier stories it seemed like the music was a bit more subtle, which I preferred. Anyway still fantastic as always Seymour! Can't wait for next week!

    Your eager fan,

  2. Well, JP you are promoted to the position of my favourite listener and commenter!

    I'm glad you enjoyed this one and thank you for the feedback re: the sound-track.We definitely don't want the music to detract from the words so we'll have to watch this a bit more closely in the future.

    The story we have scheduled for next week is quite a bit longer and a bit different from previous episodes, too, so I look forward to hearing if that makes the grade for you ...

    Thank you for the encouragement and candid feedback - it's much appreciated, I'm still delighted that people even listen to these stories.

    Sweet dreams,


  3. Dear Seymour,
    JP encouraged me to listen to this story, and I loved it. We both commented on the beautiful imagery of the chandelier description, as well as the perfect fitting image the protagonist hanging from the scaffolding.
